Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bloggers Day July 30 2008!

This is one of those lazy posts. Nothing precise. There is no such day that exists. But I thought why not. If there can be Mother’s day, Father’s day, Valentine’s Day, Friendship day and you name it we have it. So I just thought of celebrating today as Bloggers day. You may want to celebrate it some other day. Go ahead and do it. It’s not even on a weekend.
Well to be quite truthful I was just analyzing on how a woman dedicated a day to her mother following her death on May 9, 1905, devoted her life to establishing Mother's Day as a national, and later an international, holiday.

Ther may be other reasons to celebrate these days. But the point here is everybody blindly follows it. For instance I never knew the reason why I celebrated Mother’s day,Father’s day and all. I just went with the flow. As it was fun thing to do in college celebrating Freindship’s day, Valentine’s Day.

Well let me confess I had nothing to do. So here I am on my way finding innovative ideas to kill time. It’s a way to realx. Relaxation is the key allowing your writing to inspire you. So I thought let me blog and pen down my thoughts.Was trying means and ways to be famous by introducing a day called Bloggers Day! Don’t know how much of the attempt is going to be paid. But I guess a start to this is a good sign. At least if it does we can expect a holiday adding up to our list.

So here I am wishing all you amazing bloggers a “Happy Bloggers Day”! Keep those creativity flowing from your mind to your blog.

Lastly- if you enjoy these posts, be good and comment.


Nitin said...

i see...u have resumed on ur 'teesri aankh' :)
good... keep em coming!

Divya said...

lol hahah yeah nitin trying to keep u been?? long time howx pune treatin u both?