Friday, August 10, 2007

Life was Lovely...Life is gorgeous…life will be Ravishing…

Life changes in seconds. I enjoyed the way my life was stirring. Weekdays being busy with work at my workplace. I love my workplace. It’s such a lovely space to be. Be it the mankind around who are so adorable and contributive in their own way. Whenever you are tormented just boom your eyes out to that splendid looking blue sea where you can see the ships and boats looking so Lilliputian form the 13th floor of my building. It mellows out all your stress and allays fashioning you revived and crystal-clear with all your thoughts. Be it spending luncheon with Meghna on 15th floor aside the canteen hogging food to glory and bitching about all possible humankind encircling or simply conversing typical girly stuffs. Battling for a cold coffee with the fellow who refuses to serve us cold coffee more than 2 cups…cant blame him we never give him redemption slip. My weekends are passed so comfortably with so little time to catch up friend’s kin. No wonder my folks keep cribbing about me not giving them acceptable time.

Unexpectedly all these days seem to be those fond memories I had. Life takes a 360 turn and my world starts orbiting. The prince of so-called my life flick sets foot in with very mysterious entrance to the screen. And within no time we start chatting and conversing over the phone and there we go leading and concluding to spend our perfect lives together. We dialogue about how our lives would be after our so-called wedlock and how both our lives will be transformed. My being instantly started getting roseate and every hymn I used to give ear felt like its expressly sung for me and the occasion. My god I am getting too filmy…. Well that’s what courtship epoch does to you. Giving small little surprise’s to each other. Those late night vocalizing over the phone. Not that I want my service provider to mint loads of money. But you can’t help but let them mint money. As that’s the only alternative left when both of us are surviving in two distinct spaceship earth and yet striving to get in touch with each others world.

Day dreaming about that D –day at which moment it will occur, to what end will it be and all that jazz…. Well the whole shopping thing is the marvelous time I am having. You get a legal license from your folks to go ahead and shop your heart out.

The whole facet from being a free bird and now being bonded with your beloved is an amazing feeling. Now my life is centered with this guy encircling. Anybody & everybody who acquaint you tying a knot will approach and interrogate you with the weirdest query you haven’t even thought off. Right from commenting how sweet a wedded pair we would make to how wedded life will be. According to some people married life is astounding while for others it’s as worst as it can get. So you get to hear all distinct kinds of conviction. All your kin start pouring to your place to visit and compliment you. Don’t know if they toasting me for the happiness docking my way or all that life have to present me.

Well I assume the best is to wait and watch. I am sure my life will be as lovely it is now and it was prior.

Have a Gr8 Monsoon!
